How is it possible in 2021 that there is so much insensitivity and collective indifference in the world denying what is happening(CLIMATE CHANGE) and what will come ! ... with only 10%,1/10 of the interest that football generates Climate Change, Co2 and all pollution can be solved NÓW 3 times. Pure Ignorance and Masterly Inactivity versus ACTION !
smile relaxation
— When the well is dry we die. (Alexander Seghers)
How is it possible 2024 ? CLIMATE ACTION DUTY vs persisting climate denial psychosis
PERSISTING COLLECTIVE CLIMATE DENIAL MASTERLY INACTIVITY Highly irresponsible and blind that in 2024 there is still no part of the daily broadcast time in the 24 hours of ALL television and radio channels! Television and Radio Channels (local, regional and national, public and commercial) REPORTING on THE CLIMATE EMERGENCY. There is hardly any information - NOTHING - and on a daily basis about this very serious matter that is leading us to extinction... what we should do about it and how we prepare!! Seeing that no one does it or almost no one and never, that should now be a mandatory law - CLIMATE CHANGE INFORMATION, CLIMATE EMERGENCY INFORMATION in all countries how to fight and prepare against droughts, forest fires, rising sealevel, H2O Shortages, floods, ...and much more DISASTERS.
They, those are at the same time opportunities!!
Personal duty to change this is all about .
Better yesterday than tomorrow. Come on people!!!
Sick is IT that we in 2001-2015-2024(!!!) still are poisoning, bombing, shooting and destroying our habitat and haven´t found the answers since 1970´ !! Ignoring the Venom in the atmosphere, deadly substances in the soil dripping into our drinkwater, cycling up again into our food and then ALL in the Oceans.... How we dare ! Again how we dare ?!! How we dare to speak about education, love, protection and feelings ! How we dare to make kids in these times of collective mental global decadency...just they came ....through sexual pleasure, accident, folly or any reason and pushing them in a unscrupulous, immoral, unethical economical rat-race feeding status, greed and power. Raising happy children, raising a family just utopia. Impossible under these conditions. Raising livestock, raising capital stock, raising GMOcrop or raising animal flock and raising a check, yes that goes fantastic . ...
But raising A FAMILY ...FORGET ABOUT forget Humanity !
Women&Mothers are the foundation of Family: "The Pillars" of society... and we are POINTING GUNS at them! Women&Mothers are the foundation of Family: "The Pillars" of society... and we are throwing horror at them! Women&Mothers are the foundation of Family: "The Pillars" of society... anxious, frighten,worrying about future!
Children are the foundation of FUTURE Family: "The Pillars" of society... and we are POINTING GUNS at them! Children are the foundation of FUTURE Family: "The Pillars" of society... and we are BOMBING them! Children are the foundation of FUTURE Family: "The Pillars" of society... and we are POISONING them!! Children are the foundation of FUTURE Family: "The Pillars" of society... and we are FREAKING them out!!
Is Duty of us all to leave this frantic soulless lifestyle. It is a daily choice to react, a consumers´choice. Responsible parents, strong responsible parents cooperating together, pioneers again. The way is a circle.
· FEMALE LEADERSHIP 51% / 49% MALE is the best formula to create respect for eachother.
· Educate no nonsense SELF DEFENCE FOR GIRLS and ALL WOMAN
· URBAN ORGANIC FOOD GARDENS healthy food without plastics,VERMICULTURE and COMPOST,
· SOLAR ENERGY, HYDROGEN,CONVERT FOSSIL ENGINES into electric powered by solar or hydrogen fuelcells
· LEARN HOW TO BREATHE and calm down that mind ,
WOMEN Nº1 in LEADERSHIP. MORE AND EVEN STRONGER WOMEN MAKING DECISIONS ON ALL LEVELS: Corporate-Political-FAMILY- Neighbourhood : Women carry THE Life and give Life ...Women understand better the Wonder of Life. Women make less war and destruction.
CLIMATE CHANGE is became bla-bla ! It is not the issue. It is just a word. It is after-sorry cadet nonsense, foolish insolent talk! Debating changing climate because of CO2, methane, water vapor, greenhouse gases, toxic fossil fuels, massive deforestation, rising temperature, sterile Oceans, cosmic ray flux, synthetic rubberYoga mats or flowing plasticOceanic waste-continents, all life-form suffocating micro-plastics, mercury/cadmium transistor battery Everest mountains thrown away on Earth and in the 7 Seas since 1956 etc. "yes"-"no"-"maybe" ongoing debate leads us not a step further. Without taking immediately PERSONAL ACTION on all levels. Starting with one-self. RES NON VERBA ! Last +2000 year of Homo Sapiens´ social mess and blindness. Sad history of fear,contol and greed, organized plunder through arms and power, hypocrisy, bloodslaughter, oppression, extermination and domination, legal massindoctrination, fear methods of power, 1984, Big Brother, rules and sheepling behaviour of accepting things, not free-to-choose versus false comfort and false safety is a PATHETIC INSULT towards all intelligent Life, and all Intelligence on this excepcional precious Planet. The EARTH. Our Universe , the only place we have, our Home and that we have to share ! The issue is CHALLENGING our collective masterly inactivity, blindness and agressivity before it is too late , WW3, concrete comfort regret seekers, cheap arrogant entertainment slaves, sexual overheated crawlers, plastic heart wannabe-adults, weak ignorant liars ....Planet of Liars !
How we educate the Soul of our kids?!
Modern drug- and alcoholaddicts, iphoned remote controlled techno/chemo-weekend warriors !! CHANGING immediately the lobbying pimp club all together, changing Spirit of Times our deficient and INCOMPLETE EDUCATION as respectable creatures, soulless culture and changing nonexsistent feeling SKINCONTACT with Nature , Ocean, Forests and Atmosphere. Carefree, happy FREE Families are fundamental in sane, conscious Cultures anywhere in the Cosmos. Respect is a Universal Law. HUMANKIND´S LAST CHANCE BEFORE SELF-INFLICTED WIPE-OUT, OUR LAST CALL
EMPATHY, RESPECT, MUTUAL AFFECTION, LOVE :The way of the Matriach The way of responsible, intelligent people. There are a lot of very positive movements, iniciatives and spirit around but we have to go A LOT faster, making changes all the way down to the roots. RES NON VERBA
Women are just less agressive ( less Testosterone )DECISION MAKING 51/49 in Corporate issues and Politics is fine.
(A-real-man understands this and agrees completely with a big smile (as long CO2 is not banned in a pint of beer!) He supports his Sweet Woman and Family .)
TEACH WOMEN BLOODY SERIOUS SELF DEFENSE, Ju Jutsu or Philippines Traditional Martial Arts; Traditional Karate-Do, AIKIDO, start formal teaching in primary education from a very young age before fright can seep into the mind by gradual exposure or worse happens first, sexual harrasment. Teach firmly till adulthood. It is practically a crime of ignorance, discrimination and disrespect towards all women, Mothers and Family to not teach our girls how to use their claws and fangs in case they need to use them.
Responsibility. Real strengt is found in softness.
It is a top priority for this society and the U.N. that women worldwide can explore their unique FEMALE Universe, tender gentle intelligence and AMBITIONS without being discouraged by fear, agressiveness, power games, danger or abuse by males WITHOUT HAVING AN ANSWER when it comes to physical strength: NOT ONE CHANCE.And without 1 answer –makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE END! Traditional Martial Arts give so much strong good energy, self esteem and confidence...this in hands of Warriors of Light .....what a difference this will make !
What a difference for Humankind, for all of us!
At Home ; We never had tools to communicate and connect, learn, teach, or share knowledge and experiences like we do now through the Internet. There are NO GUARANTEES it will be like this FOREVER, so there is no time to lose !
Start Self Sustaining Communities. Come together. Permaculture right now. FAMILY WOMEN, SOLAR ENERGY + URBAN ORGANIC FOOD GARDENS (roofs or carparks are excellent to install GREENHOUSE DOMES), Create a local economy, Timebanking , Barter-Swapping, LED lights, second-hand, biomass for heating......
RESPONSIBLE MEN. TEACH MEN the Art of CHIVALRY start formal training in Traditional Martial Arts in primary education from a very young age before ego, power, competition, corruption and arrogance can penetrate the mind. Teach and coach firmly till adulthood. Coach MALE energy, strength, force and power with movement, outdoor adventures, camping, hiking, sailing, horsebackriding, fencing, archery ........Polite, genteel careful, considerate, and honest GENTLEMAN . MACHISMO , MACHOS are ridiculous KUSHI-BUSHI (mouthwarriors)
Real strength is found in Humbleness
ONLY then do we have a chance of evolving, becoming a civilized, noble, kind, and smart species.
All the rest - Harmony, Equality, Freedom ... are ONLY words and a waste of time.
Respect first ! Respect for the Female pillar of Family (Family is the pillar of society).
Women are the foundation of our Society. RESPECT
Find peace and fulfillment in ourselves. How? Simple! Exhale and Smile! Life is not a competition !
· YOGA taught in schools and at work, cozy places to meditate andbreathe in style, warmth and silence to find oneself. OM'Gayatri Mantra. A South-East orientated window with sunlight or a park nearby will do wonderfully. 1/3 hour or 20 minutes daily in the morning to start a new happy day, doing the fantastic SUNSALUTATION exercise changes everything!! Absolutely everything!
How to preserve that Peace? Simple! Train DAILY and ENJOY growing!
( Aikido,Karatedo, Tai Chi, Capoeira, Judo ,....) in schools and serene Dojo´s or parks starting with lots of happy playing in groups. These ancient, natural basics of Life form Values, people healthy in body and mind. It is the Way of Peace and Respect. Truly happy youngsters ( Karate-No !)with something solid to believe in and trust. Master, control, defend or withstand any situation with a unique personal approach is a MUST in education and future life. We all need it and proceed to declare these Arts in the United Nations’ ( U.N.) Intangible Cultural Heritage List .
This SPIRIT we can transform into a vortex of progress, HEALTH, PEACE, HARMONY !
TOGETHER, LET´S CREATE A PEOPLE´S NO-NONSENSE WORKNET: A round table made up of +9 BILLION people and companies working together, forming a basis for the economy and the future. No pollution, No misery.
1. Environmental Justice for people and NGO , ( E.J.F.)
2. RESPECT those Oceans, sealife, Cetacea, sharks, fish and plankton (main oxygen and Life provider)
3. RESPECT those Forests - preservation of the world´s last rainforests - Zero tolerance for illegal logging
4. Massive Reforestation (chestnut, oak, walnut trees, bamboo,...), FSC , outdoor jobs for everybody
5. Hemp and Cannabis THC-less industrialized, a wonderful plant that grows easily everywhere with 1001x uses (you-name-it - clothing, food,...) The best CO2eater + >>Job&Employment multiplier
6. Organic farming, compost and vermiculture, WWOOF =>>Job&Employment gold mine. Respect rivers, lakes, fresh WATER/H2O Act - React SOILEROSION ... Caution with irrigation. Permaculture WE are what we eat and what we have eaten when young !! genetically modified organism (GMO), over-fertilizing and using chemical pesticides is a not-so-smart-thing-to-do and leads to poverty.
7. Biomass and Bioenergy = Jobs & Employment
8. City planning Parks, waste management, transportation: walk, cycle, take the train, bus, or taxi, carpooling, donkeys and horse, airships, sailing,....
9. Art and Dance schools, expressive communication and creativity, ART-NOT-OIL
10. REDUCE MEAT CONSUMPTION, walnuts do it perfectly and better HAPPY COW . MEAT makes us agressive and in this aspect, we have to take care, so we must be careful about what we eat. Take a moment to think about what you eat and how it got to you.
11. REDUCE T.V. : communicate FACE-TO-FACE once again, folklore, theatre, make traditional handicrafts, in your home, in your street, make music, dance SALSA, Timebanking,............
12. SOLAR Energy, HYDROGEN Energy, Geothermal heating, Reconvert car engines >>Job&Employment generator
13. CREATE DEMAND, IT IS A CONSUMER´S CHOICE, create supply, buy&create locally small businesses..."small is beautiful" Finance-It , micro credit, swaps, crowdfunding, angel investing,Timebanking,>>Job&Employment booster
14. 10 R.R.R.R.R. ( Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Renew, Recycle)
15. RESPONSIBLE Press and Media
16. RESPONSIBLE Publicity & Advertising
17. RESPONSIBLE Entertainment & Movies - agressive virtual games destroy the Soul
18. RESPONSIBLE Communication
19. RESPONSIBLE Politcs & RESPONSIBLE Bankers: be kind and a wise patriarch, invest, don’t waste. Please DO Invest in happy creative People, land, resources, science, medicine. Earth is Heaven... no war needed, no weapons needed. War&weapons, THE ultimate profitmakers and GNP booster, are HIDEOUS and senseless with the total extermination power they have 2025! Real strenght is found in gentleness.