STOP CO2 is here for all of us WE ALL TOGETHER ARE STOPCO2
Even in 2024 while the world is BURNING: ON FIRE with ongoing HEAT RECORDS EVERYWHERE. DROUGHTS, DRINK WATER SHORTAGES, WARS and economical social depressions and much more to come there are solutions to take !!!
STOPCO2 logo label distribution appears everywhere; on all retail food packaging, bottles, labels, bottle caps, boxes, containers, etc …also appears on unique STOPCO2 Fashion&Apparel catwalk creations, strategic worldwide STOPCO2 veggy food&catering restaurants and café in cities, roads, trainstations and airports, STOPCO2 sustainable Transport and Travel, Media coverage and Sports Marketing ....
STOPCO2 has “Infinite commercial and promotional publicity potential.”
STOPCO2 promotes mass awareness & synergetic answers for Humanity.
"Mainly the project focuses on advertising as catalyst, spééding up worldwide distribution of STOPCO2 logos connected to illuminating and instructive STOPCO2 websites".
STOPCO2 The new leading brand.
INFINITE POTENTIAL doing the right thing !!
The world is too beautiful MAGICFULL to be destroyed by homo sapiens .
Alec Seghers, 1963 born in Antwerp(Belgium), BBA, RYA YM Offshore, J.K.A active Yudansha. Raised in an entrepreneurial artistic medical family, courageous travellers ever since on the move, nature and animals lover, study, books, Oceanography, Astronomy, Team sports preferring mostly soul action outdoor like Surf, windsurfing, blue water sailing and beautiful Shotokan Karate-Do that gives the KI, fresh energy to proceed with STOPCO2 like a candle in the dark every day since 2001!
Somebody has to do IT !
I remember very well how the Belgian government proclaimed on black-white TV in 1970 that by the year 2000 it will have solved ALL problems related to the shameless wild increasing pollution. Everything was under control ....
The Planet freed of pollution by the year 2000.
No worries. It is all under control. Smile and laugh not to cry !!
After a spanish Madrid 2 year business adventure in 1965-1967,
the “Paul Seghers- Annie De Maesschalck” Family went back to Belgium for schooling the kids; our parents founded SAPIMEX NV (Seghers Annie Paul Import Export) It became world first enterprise to recover plastic waste. The plastic was sorted out + pressed into containers and shipped to Hong Kong. It returned in the form of toys and kitchen stuff. When the young bright company was lit on fire by suspicious “unknown” causes (to express it softly) seen on TV - BRT television National News how the whole neighbourhood needed to mass evacuate with belongings loaded on the shoulder in a dense smog and smoke. A big fire for a couple of days !! (Borgerhout/Antwerp ).
A New plastic recuperation plant was halted by petitions as too dangerous ….then Paul Willem Seghers cooperated with Master painter and Arts Professor Lode Seghers in Fine Paintings Trade “Ars Europea”(Art Advisers Old Masters expertise services) related with Sothebies and Christies(London). 1970 brought economical depression, first petrol crisis thus shortages in liquid cashmoney on the streets. Paul took over to hold cash flow “Huis Alma” (Antwerp, Kaasrui 6) an Antwerp center-centered spirit and later wines commerce that became in a couple of years a leading wholesale&import fine wine business in the Benelux. Fine Wines, Bulk wine and Porto came with full loads from Spain, Portugal and France and we bottled also ourselves … from this expanding business came world first glass bottle recuperation and re-use plant Martin Massy (Wichelen/Flanders 1981-84) to cut costs on buying new glass bottles.
Alexander learned how to work since 1974 as multi-task junior assistent in all directions 7/7 365/365. Work=Training=Education= Preparation for life, Military service with the engineers, ….autonomous Wine sales representant, Life Insurance door-to-door, Casino roulette 24croupier, Windsurf instructor, Bachelor Business Administration BBA European University, old house remodeling(Matti y Alejandro S.L.), PC computer parts distribution (Cylindrada Lda), Moveis Reciclados, The Happy House Used furniture import /wholesale, RYA Offshore Yachtmaster Commercial autonomous yacht deliveries and private yacht cruising skipper, Add Agency True Climate Advertising STOPCO2 BV(Amsterdam)…
In the 1990’s back in Spain and Portugal, Paul and sister Karina Seghers started (later i joined with Excel and stock rotation ) an Import&Distribution wholesale of second-hand furniture MUEBLES RE-USADOS and MÓVEIS RECICLADOS (Vila do Conde/Oporto) with a smart donkey in the logo and a Bushido Tiger.
Why buy new when the used stuff is so much better quality, cheaper and environmental fantastic friendly …..
But that wasn't enough.
Since the birth of my 2 godchildren Charlotte and Amber, Alexander decided steady to live and give more for a healthier world. I didn't want them to point the finger later (1994): "Why didn't you do anything Padrinho, Peterke ? Why haven’t you done anything for Forests, Oceans, Air and Nature? “When it was still possible !?" As a soul surfer, waterman, naturelover, as a man for myself and for all.
Respect, Tao .
Came 'Save the Homo Sapiens' foundation (Spain) Family Tomorrow Too Late
….and from that WWW.STOPCO2.COM in 2001
'Save the Homo Sapiens' foundation (Spain)
Family Tomorrow Too Late
Street actions making SMART eco publicity and propaganda everywhere at every moment Tarifa/Spain
also Grandma Maria Nolis is hot involved shouting STOPCO2 !
most beautiful spiritful creative city on Earth soon under seawater !!!
Reageer jongens en meisjes! Act Guys !
Education, collaboration, effort, research, dissemination, investment, promotion and advertising conducted in the broadest sense and form for an ethical, ecological, clean, healthy, poison-, radiation- and suffering free, just and sensible society for people and all life forms on Planet Earth and beyond, in the present and future for fauna, flora, water, air and earth. Making an effort for a better, cleaner and responsible society in the future, as well as holding activities.
Educatie, samenwerking, inspanningen, onderzoek, verspreiding, investering, promotie en reclame uitgevoerd in de breeds mogelijke zin en vorm voor een ethische, ecologische, propere, gezonde, gif-, straling- en leedvrije, rechtvaardige en verstandige samenleving voor mens en alle levensvormen op de planeet aarde en daarbuiten te creëren, in het nu en toekomst voor fauna, flora, water lucht en aarde. Het inspannen voor een betere, schonere en verantwoordelijke samenleving in de toekomst, alsmede holdingactiviteiten.
STOPCO2 BV Amsterdam starting SMART eco educational publicity agency
España tiene Sol para abastecer todo E.U. hasta Moscu con energia limpia pero…..impuestos al sol / sun tax!
New York 1250 Broadway
36th Floor
New York, NY 10001
+ 2year boxing with . NYC Domain regulations not willing to accept proof of location
presencial office with REGUS we created
We rent services and physical space at 1250 Broadway, 36th floor 10001 New York with a community manager in charge . Please grant us further time to proceed,
this will give us the possibility to increase our streetpresence with a proper apparel shop for the wellness of the City and all New Yorkers . We are an unique Climate Change environmental advertising start up, in middle of a world Covid-19 crisis not wanting to loose the domainregistration. In this overcomplex world society we choose for Humane actions
….that was not enough does the job now! And we are ready come back soon!
New York is building dikes meanwhile, or have plans to build ….must be over 60m or no good !
That is reality!
world first great CLIMATE EMERGENCY intelligent NETWORK STOPCO2
Now we want to create network apps and our STOPCO2 SOLAR P.R. SAILBOAT
It cannot go on like this.
Pollution, empty oceans full with plastic and junk, air pollution, deforestation, watercrisis, PCB, radiation...
So many alternatives and solutions are possible .
With the STOP CO2 websites we want to bring everyone together and communicate. The websites and Facebook pages collect existing projects, initiatives and ideas from all over the world so that they can be shared with everyone. We work that every country has its own story, history, progress, who is who, Hydrogen, Solar, Reforestation, Education,… and clarity . What is done with our Tax. A favour you think?!
A Human-work-together-Happening ( starting NOW and ALL together )
All pointing in the same direction- The Earth, Our Oceans and Forests, Our Air, Atmosphere, Rivers and MAGIC - All over the world ...
Green Planet Earth, Happy Planet Earth.
STOPCO2 logos with solutions catalysator to learn, copy on every corner, anyhour , any place > Let’s do it !
Everyone participates and we win all .
Thank You !Res non verba!
the HUMAN world turns further with it’s collective denying Climate Emergency crisis
Faking reality, Ego competition, bombing and pointing guns to eachother
eating chemicals, micro plastics, GMO, fertilizers and pesticides ….
we become weaker, more sterile and less intelligent not to say profound mental retards .
Saddled with the same problems, even become much worse to a catastrophic kind because of our collective masterly inactivity, all those years ignoring the KNOWN IMMINENT increasing danger that becomes a sinking hunger boat.
Yes we can swim but how long? Hysterical splashing around !
Plastic soup, smog, Air pollution, increasing allergies and asthmatics, cancers, leaking nuclear power stations and nuclear & wars threat, social instabilities, insects, virus, diseases, GMO food, constant economical instability, growing overpopulation, growing violence and crimes, sick computer games, natural disasters, melting ice caps, sealevel rising, freak weather, mega hurricanes typhoons, floods, dry rivers, eradication of animal species at full speed rate, deforestation the same full speed rate of destruction, sterile Oceans killing plancton thus no Oxygen, rising temperatures, noise, lightpollution, radiation, wars, droughts, drinking H2O shortages, Climate refugees, Environmental migrants, tears sorrows ...hate …Human Extinction is at sight. Game Over ! STOP EXTINCTION of life on Earth.
Worth to wake up. Stand up arms up, exhale.
SMILE. Change. Challenge.
“Crises are challenges”.
Learn to Meditate 10 minutes a day …..Train Respect Exhale
NOW ! Please ! Thank You. NAMASTE!!!!